Jan 11, 2016 | Coding, PHP, Wordpress
WordPress has lots of great widgets but sometimes they’re just too ordinary. One of our clients recently asked for a small change in recent posts and categories widgets of WordPress and we were happy to execute those changes since it’s the details what...
Dec 31, 2015 | Coding, CSS, How To?
Today I had to create a simple flipping cards CSS animation for one of my clients because of the layout concerns. We had the slider on top, services area after that and our H1 and main explanation followed these two sections. We wanted to keep the H1 and the main...
Dec 21, 2015 | Coding, PHP, Wordpress
In this post, I’m going to share an extremely useful widget for your WordPress projects. I’m sure that you’ve heard about the WordPress recent posts widget. It creates links to your recent posts in your sidebar so your visitors can reach the other...