Aug 1, 2016 | How To?, SEO
Even though some experts in the industry make it sound like it’s rocket science, search engine optimization especially on-page SEO isn’t really that difficult. In this post, I’m going to give away our formula, provide some examples on how to do it...
Jan 6, 2016 | How To?, Page Speed, web design, Wordpress
Your page speed is important. It affects your conversion rate, SEO rankings, bounce rate, the behavior of your visitors and probably much more. It’s also a statement, saying: “We’re professionals, we deliver fast and don’t waste your...
Dec 31, 2015 | Coding, CSS, How To?
Today I had to create a simple flipping cards CSS animation for one of my clients because of the layout concerns. We had the slider on top, services area after that and our H1 and main explanation followed these two sections. We wanted to keep the H1 and the main...
Dec 23, 2015 | How To?, web design
You have the best website idea (there isn’t a bad website idea, there are bad designers) and start telling about it to everyone you know and they love it. So you get excited more and decide to bring your idea to life (followed by a dream you flipping off your...