5 Reasons Why Small Businesses Should Invest in SEO
If you're a small business owner, you've probably heard that most of the small businesses don't survive the first three years. What's missing in all those businesses that fail? Can it be a vision for the long-term and a strategy backing up that vision? SEO should...
8-step on-page SEO plan proven to improve rankings
Even though some experts in the industry make it sound like it's rocket science, search engine optimization especially on-page SEO isn't really that difficult. In this post, I'm going to give away our formula, provide some examples on how to do it and by the end of...
Is your website fast enough?
We're continuing our page speed series with some measuring tools in this post. I'm going to give you some clues on what to look for in these tools and when to start worrying about your stats. But first let's have some fun. We're going to start with the obvious one:...
Recent Posts and Categories with Highlights
Wordpress has lots of great widgets but sometimes they're just too ordinary. One of our clients recently asked for a small change in recent posts and categories widgets of Wordpress and we were happy to execute those changes since it's the details what makes a website...
4 Main Reasons of a Slow WordPress Website
Your page speed is important. It affects your conversion rate, SEO rankings, bounce rate, the behavior of your visitors and probably much more. It's also a statement, saying: "We're professionals, we deliver fast and don't waste your time." Even if your website is...
How Much Should You Spend for Your Website?
We've explained how to assess the quality of your web designer in our previous post. In this step of "Bringing your web design project to life", we're going to talk about the budget component. And try to see if your candidates are a good fit for your project in...
Why You Should Use WordPress
The data is taken from Raelene Morey's (Follow her, she's great!) post "13 IMPRESSIVE WORDPRESS STATS WORTH BOOKMARKING FOR CLIENTS" at wpmudev blog (You already know them). We prepared a cool infographic to show you why you should use Wordpress, the world's most...
How to Create Flipping Cards Animation with CSS
Today I had to create a simple flipping cards CSS animation for one of my clients because of the layout concerns. We had the slider on top, services area after that and our H1 and main explanation followed these two sections. We wanted to keep the H1 and the main...
6 Questions to Ask Your Web Designer Before Hiring
So you've read our posts about How to Find a Great Web Designer, Questions to Ask Your Web Designer and How Much Should You Spend for a Website and decided to hire someone (Hopefully us, if not contact us before making a huge mistake!) In this post we're going to go...
What Questions to Ask a Web Designer
The second step in bringing your web design project to life is assessing the quality of your candidates so that you can make an informed decision. (Check out our first post on this topic How to Find a Great Web Designer?) Probably you’re reading this post because you...